Innovation and Inclusion
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How LGBTQ Executives are Shaping the Fortune 500

In recent years, the visibility and influence of LGBTQ leaders in the business world have grown significantly. These executives in the “Q-Suite” bring a unique blend of resilience, creativity, and diverse perspectives that significantly enhance company cultures and outputs. By positioning diversity as a crucial driver of economic growth and innovation, companies can better integrate these initiatives into their strategic objectives. This approach secures enhanced buy-in from stakeholders and embeds diversity deeply within the company’s core operations rather than treating it as a peripheral training issue.

LGBTQ executives excel in business environments and champion inclusive strategies. Included are notable examples of their success and innovation in Fortune 500 companies.

The ROI of Diverse Perspectives

Research shows that diverse teams, bringing varied perspectives, experiences, and skills, lead to more innovative problem-solving and a deeper understanding of customers. LGBTQ team members bring an inherent diversity of thought to their roles. Their perspectives are shaped by personal and social challenges that develop robust soft skills such as resilience, adaptability, and creative problem-solving—essential traits for success in a global business environment.

LGBTQ leaders possess a keen ability to understand, empathize, and engage with niche markets, which together represent a sea change in what mainstream means. According to a 2022 Gallup poll, Generation Z (age 12-27) has the largest proportion of LGBTQ people in the United States, with 21% of adults identifying as LGBTQ. This is more than double the percentage of adults who identified as LGBTQ in 2012. This increase reflects a broader, more inclusive societal mindset acknowledging a spectrum of identities beyond traditional binary views or imposed norms. As we march through time, the full spectrum of human expression will continue to blossom and the Q-Suite is poised to serve these emerging demographics.

This positive societal change is a testament to the progress of embracing diversity and inclusion. Q-Suite executives embrace nuanced views and insights that enhance a company’s empathy, reach, and relevance to more diverse audiences. As global businesses trend toward a post-DEI paradigm, they shift focus from mere bias training to understanding the totality of human interactions and their fluid, interdependent nature. This holistic understanding lays the groundwork for improving organizational dynamics and individual effectiveness. Executives that embrace a diversity of human expressions foster innovation that creates unique products, services, and solutions.

Transactional Competence is a practical application of these principles within organizational settings. It enhances the ability of executives, managers, and employees to navigate and optimize the ubiquitous daily social transactions in a business environment. This competence is a critical element in the cultural transformation of an organization, where adaptability, swift decision-making, and effective interpersonal communication are paramount. True transactional skills transcend race, gender, sexual orientation—and bias—leaving mutual respect, value, and cooperation in their place.

As younger generations rise to leadership positions, the seamless integration of diverse executive teams becomes crucial for effectively serving a wide range of stakeholders and constituents. The analogy of how biological diversity within ecosystems leads to greater resilience and productivity aptly illustrates the advantages of diversity in business.

Examples of the Q-Suite in Fortune 500 Companies

Several LGBTQ leaders have risen to prominence in Fortune 500 companies, exemplifying how inclusivity can lead to greater business success.

Beth Ford - Land O'Lakes

As the CEO of Land O'Lakes, Beth Ford is one of the first openly gay women to lead a Fortune 500 company. Her leadership focuses on innovation in agribusiness and sustainability, maintaining Land O'Lakes' position as a leader in the industry.

Jim Fitterling - Dow Chemical Company

Jim Fitterling, the CEO of Dow Chemical Company, is another standout LGBTQ leader in a Fortune 500 company. Since coming out, he has been an outspoken advocate for LGBTQ rights in the workplace. His efforts have helped Dow maintain its standing as a company committed to diversity and inclusion, fostering a supportive environment that encourages all employees to perform at their best.

Tim Cook - Apple Inc.

Perhaps one of the most well-known LGBTQ executives, Tim Cook of Apple Inc., has been a vocal advocate for LGBTQ rights and diversity. Under his leadership, Apple has continued to innovate in technology while also leading in corporate social responsibility.

Martine Rothblatt - United Therapeutics

Martine Rothblatt, a transgender woman, founded and leads United Therapeutics. As CEO, she has guided the company to major breakthroughs in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension, demonstrating how personal experiences can drive scientific and medical innovation.

Jeffrey Gennette - Macy's

Since becoming CEO of Macy's in 2017, Jeffrey Gennette has revitalized the brand by enhancing its digital platforms and focusing on seamlessly integrating online and in-store experiences. His leadership emphasizes diversity and inclusion, both in the workforce and product selection, significantly broadening Macy's customer appeal and fostering a more inclusive shopping environment.

The business successes of LGBTQ leaders across various industries are a clear indicator of the power of diversity and inclusion. These leaders utilize their unique experiences to drive economic growth and foster workplaces that are more inclusive, innovative, and adaptive to change. As society continues to embrace diversity, the influence of LGBTQ professionals in the business realm is poised to expand even further, promoting a cycle of innovation and inclusion that benefits all stakeholders.


John Patterson
Co-founder and CEO

John Patterson steers the ship at Influential U, boldly challenging the traditional, often myopic views of success in our hyper-individualistic era. He isn’t afraid to poke fun at the archaic obsession with attributing every win or loss to single actors, calling out the industry’s penchant for oversimplified 'transactional' comprehension. Leading a crack team dedicated to innovating businesses and business ecosystems, John is all about integrating the personal with the whole system—because, let’s face it, no one wins alone.
