This powerful webinar focuses on a primary cornerstone of Transactional Competence™ that we call Personality and Transactional Behavior; it’s about how we approach every exchange. It’s about how you and I grapple with our everyday interactions with people; all of our relationship conversations, business meetings, and essential exchanges.
Often we try to overcome our obstacles with communication classes, leadership programs, or negotiation training – and here’s why it doesn’t work: these tactics don’t account for the simple fact that you and other people are unique. Instead, you must consider your Transactional Behavior while approaching other people from their Transactional Behavior.
The ability to see every human interaction as a series of exchanges you can influence.
The skill to start a new business or manage an enterprise as a series of exchanges you can control.
The capacity for you to be wholly satisfied across many Conditions of Life.
Personality and Transactional Behavior allows you to understand your own personality and easily influence other personalities. Each Transactional Behavior™ demonstrates assets, liabilities, and behaviors that can accelerate transactions or grind them to a halt. You will discover your inner superhero, accelerate your influence and get to yes faster.
We blew through our annual stretch goal of $500K in new revenue on our team to reach $1.1M in new revenue sold in just seven months.
A word of warning, if you are not prepared to face yourself and re-examine your life then do not proceed. If you are happy with the way things are, then save yourself the pain and proceed no further. This course is honest and is designed to awaken you to your truths and demands that you ambitiously seek your happiness.
The measures speak for themselves. 140% of my health goals, 143% of my financial goals, and a 25% increase in income.
This course has taken me from naïveté in business to having clear aims for money, work, and career, and principles, rigorous structures, practices, and an environment for transacting to realize those.
I found this program highly engaging, stimulating, and challenging. I initially resisted the idea of learning the techniques of persuasion, and now use influence to ethically progress my aims in life.
I chose Influential U because the measures reports for their students were beyond unlikely. With research, I concluded that [these reports were] plausible. Now, upon reviewing the final outputs for my study with them I was astounded (104% increase in income).
I found the Fundamentals of Transaction Program invaluable in accurately thinking about my life´s goals and helping to realize them.
It gave me the insight that I was NOT transacting powerfully as a business person. I was waiting for invitations, offers, and requests. I feel I have been armed with the specialized knowledge to know and truly understand the marketplace and my target audience.
I believe what I have learned through my involvement in Influential U so far will have more of an impact on my individual results and the value I can bring to our organization than any other course or program I could have participated in.
To grow financially by 289% is phenomenal, and I did not see that coming at all. An amazing group of people to work with and really have you be supported to create your business future unlike ever before.
What a mirror for my ineffective habits and practices. While a little unsettling at first, I now have access to being the businessman that I have always wished I could be.
My education in Transactional Competence has relieved me of the arrogance, conceits, and blind spots peddled in higher education about succeeding and thriving.
Influential U gets real results. Our clients report earning more money, hitting health goals and having more time to enjoy both. We have taught thousands of ambitious business professionals how to construct the exchanges that accelerate their influence. Our programmes are offered in 12 countries with webinar participants and podcast subscribers in over 100 countries.
Influential U produces life-changing journeys. We will show you how to go from one-hit wonder to sustainable satisfaction, because real success means replicating results to consistently achieve aims. Since our founding in 2009, students have brought our proprietary practice to schools, institutions, and enterprises around the world.
We’ve taught thousands of ambitious business professionals how to construct the exchanges that accelerate their influence and results.
Our elite membership programs have spread to 12 countries. Our reach includes webinar viewers and podcast subscribers in over 100 countries.
Influential U produces life-changing journeys from isolated, non-reproducible success to holistic, whole-life satisfaction.
Since our founding in 2009, students continue to bring our proprietary methodologies to their schools, institutions, and enterprises.
© Influence Ecology, LLC | Influential U ®
1000 Town Center Drive | Suite 300 | Oxnard | California | 93036 | +1 (805) 285-2900
1000 Town Center Drive
Suite 300
Oxnard, California
+1 (805) 285-2900