Our Frame Works
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We have reimagined our diagrams, models, and tools. Beyond just a new logo and look, you'll find a fresh format that transforms academic abstractions into accessible ideas for anyone in business. While what we teach can be quite heady, true transactionalism is just as much a matter of the heart. That’s why we're also making a move to share our diagrams and tools with the world.

Revealed and distributed at our July 2021 Mid-Year Conferences, our diagrams, models, and tools help each of us think accurately about building transactions that satisfy our aims.

Our Frameworks

These frameworks are research-informed models of the transactional approach that help our members align ambitious aims with professional activities, create motivating and inclusive environments, and integrate critical thinking into practical application.

These fundamental frameworks emerge from over a decade of research and application. Our diagrams and tools allow our members to recognize, engage, and challenge their prior knowledge and misconceptions. These easily integrate into everyday experiences so that members embody them through active, experiential, and contextually varied learning. This approach helps our members:

  • Retain knowledge long after a course is over
  • Develop an ability to transfer knowledge to novel situations
  • Develop skills in thinking or problem solving
  • Achieve effective outcomes, such as motivation for additional study or a change in behavior

Our diagrams, models, and tools provide scaffolded, diverse approaches that help students form knowledge structures that are accurately and meaningfully organized. Our approach is inquiry, focusing on structures for continual faculty-member development, engaging members as “co-faculty” during the program.

How do I get my diagrams?

If you’re enrolled in one of our programs, easy-peasy; the appropriate diagrams are included in your program materials section or on specific topic pages. You can view these online or download them as you require.

If you’re not enrolled in one of our programs, we’ll be releasing our diagrams on the Diagrams and Models page as they become available. Look for the first one in September.

What’s included on the Diagrams and Models page?

Each diagram is a downloadable PDF that includes the diagram or model, a description, a simple example, and a poster for hanging in your work area.

In addition, the PDF will include information about Influential U, our live workshops, and our membership.

Is there a Personality Quiz?

Always wished for one? Your wish came true. It is now one of many items on our Tools page. We’re in the test, validate and modify mode. You can also find the quiz on the footer of every page of our website. After we gather more data and finish our adjustments, we’ll make the big announcement in September 2021.

Welcome to Influential U

For more on our rebrand, read Welcome to Influential U.

New Resources:
