Today's Leader
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An Inclusive Approach to Unleashing Potential

In the last decade, leadership has undergone a profound transformation. Gone are the days when leadership was confined to a select few at the top—wielding authority in a one-directional flow. Today's leadership landscape is a dynamic, inclusive, and collaborative journey that recognizes and nurtures talents from every corner of an organization, often from places least expected. This shift broadens the leadership pool and enriches it with diverse perspectives and skills essential for navigating the complexities of today's global marketplace.

The Evolution of Leadership: From Solo to Symphony

Traditional leadership models, characterized by hierarchy and command, give way to more fluid and flexible structures. This evolution reflects a more profound understanding that leadership today is based on teamwork and the collective strength of a group. It emerges from those who don't necessarily fit the conventional mold, highlighting the importance of diverse views and untapped talents in developing influential leaders.

Fostering a Culture of Inclusive Leadership

The journey to becoming a leader in the modern world is not a solitary endeavor but a collective voyage. It requires creating an environment where team members can express their unique value, strengths, and ideas. Leaders today play a critical role in fostering this culture, emphasizing play and practice as core elements of organizational life. They model behaviors that encourage exploration, innovation, and continuous learning from an eclectic leadership talent pool.

Leadership Diversity: A Non-Negotiable Element

Leadership diversity is not just an ideal; it's a necessity. It brings different viewpoints, experiences, and skills to the table, enriching decision-making and enhancing the organization's adaptability. In this context, leadership is not about commanding from the front but about guiding, mentoring, and inspiring from within. > Modern leadership is about recognizing that there is no leadership without followership, and the essence of being a leader is having one's vision and direction willingly accepted by others.

The Shift to Collective Responsibility

Modern leadership is characterized by a shift from individual to collective responsibility. It views leadership as a shared journey, where success is a product of mutual commitments and well-synchronized efforts. This approach requires leaders to develop high emotional intelligence, enabling them to connect with, support, and empower their teams. It's about building relationships based on trust and respect, where every team member feels valued and motivated to contribute to the collective vision.

Integrating Modern Leadership Principles into Practice

The principles of modern leadership—diversity, inclusivity, collaboration, and emotional intelligence—are not just theoretical ideals. They are practical, actionable strategies that dramatically enhance an organization's capacity for innovation and excellence.

Leading High-Performance Teams in the New Era

Assembling and leading high-performance teams in today's landscape requires a nuanced approach. Leaders must focus on creating diverse teams that reflect a wide range of talents and perspectives. They must set clear, inclusive goals and foster an environment of open communication and collaboration. Empowering team members and investing in their continuous development are also critical for high performance.

Learning from Real-World Examples

Let's dive into the world of leadership with a twist, where diversity, inclusivity, play, and practice aren't just buzzwords—they're the secret sauce to organizational success. Here are three real-world examples of leaders who've taken this modern approach to heart and led their teams to new heights of success across different landscapes:

1. Satya Nadella - Microsoft

When Satya Nadella took the helm at Microsoft in 2014, he stepped into a legacy filled with success, challenges, and a critical need for change. He brought with him a vision that was radically different from his predecessors—a focus on "growth mindset," a concept borrowed from psychologist Carol Dweck, emphasizing learning, openness to change, and the belief that talents can be developed. Under Nadella's leadership, Microsoft underwent a cultural metamorphosis, pivoting from a 'know-it-all' to a 'learn-it-all' philosophy.

This shift wasn't just about encouraging learning; it was about fostering an inclusive environment where every employee felt empowered to contribute ideas, take risks, and innovate. By championing diversity and inclusivity, Nadella revitalized Microsoft's culture, encouraging teams to experiment ('play') and continually improve ('practice'). The result? A resurgence in creativity, the birth of successful projects like Azure and Office 365, and a significant increase in Microsoft's market value. Nadella's leadership exemplifies how embracing diversity and fostering a culture of inclusivity and learning can reignite innovation in even the largest of companies.

2. Anne Wojcicki - 23andMe

Anne Wojcicki, co-founder and CEO of 23andMe, has led her company to the forefront of the personal genomics revolution with a unique blend of scientific curiosity and inclusive leadership. Wojcicki's approach to leadership is deeply rooted in the belief that innovation stems from questioning the status quo and empowering a diverse team to explore their ideas. 23andMe's success in making genetic testing accessible and engaging for consumers can be attributed to a company culture that values diverse perspectives and fosters an environment where experimentation and 'play' are encouraged.

Under Wojcicki's leadership, 23andMe has championed research projects that require various thought processes and expertise, reflecting a commitment to inclusivity and diversity. This environment has led to groundbreaking scientific discoveries and built a robust and resilient organization capable of navigating the complexities of the healthcare and tech industries.

3. Tony Hsieh - Zappos

The late Tony Hsieh, former CEO of Zappos, revolutionized how companies think about culture, customer service, and employee satisfaction. Hsieh was a trailblazer in creating an exceptionally inclusive company culture emphasizing happiness, play, and personal growth. By removing traditional corporate hierarchies and fostering an environment of trust and autonomy, Hsieh encouraged his team to take ownership of their work and innovate in previously unimaginable ways in a retail company.

Zappos is renowned for its ten core values that promote diversity, inclusivity, and a sense of play—a testament to Hsieh's belief in the power of company culture. His leadership transformed Zappos into a model for customer service excellence and an example of how a robust and inclusive culture can drive a company to financial success and make it a desirable place to work.

These leaders, each from different domains, have demonstrated that embracing diversity, fostering inclusivity, and encouraging an atmosphere of play and continuous practice can lead to remarkable organizational achievements. Their stories serve as powerful examples for aspiring leaders in any field, showcasing that the key to unlocking innovation and achieving a competitive edge lies in nurturing a culture that values every voice and encourages bold experimentation.

Embracing the Future of Leadership

Today's leadership journey is a vibrant tapestry woven from diverse threads of talent, vision, and dedication. It's a collaborative endeavor that values and nurtures the potential within every individual, recognizing that leadership can arise from the most unexpected places. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, the principles of play, practice, diversity, and emotional intelligence serve as a compass, guiding organizations toward a future where everyone has the opportunity to lead and excel.

In embracing this modern approach to leadership, we unlock the full spectrum of human potential, fostering environments where innovation thrives and excellence becomes the norm. The future of leadership is not just about adapting to change; it's about leading the charge, transforming challenges into opportunities, and shaping a world where everyone has the chance to succeed. This is the essence of leading with play and practice—a journey that is as rewarding as it is essential for the business of winning in today's ever-changing landscape.

Keep playing, keep growing, and stay influential!


John Patterson
Co-founder and CEO

John Patterson co-founded and manages Influential U Global's faculty and consultants. Since 1987, he has led workshops, programs, and conferences for over 100,000 people in diverse professions, industries, and cultures. His history includes corporate curriculum design focusing on business ecosystems, influence, leadership, and high-performance training and development.
