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Dr. Kyra Gaunt conducts research on the unintended consequences of social media, often offering expert testimony on the subject and helping protect our future employability and reputation online and off. With a focus on marginalized groups, she's Professor of Ethnomusicology and Digital Media Studies at the University at Albany and one of the forty inaugural TED Fellows. She has much to say about the aimless consequence of our own naïveté. Having studied with Influence Ecology for four years, she shares about her own wide-eyed journey through the radical transparency movement to now offer important advice: not everything should be said, spoken, liked, or shared.

In this episode's talk, listen in on a small portion of a Fundamentals of Transaction webinar classroom where we address our mantra: "You're always transacting." Vice President Drew Knowles and Co-Founder John Patterson give a talk about the blindness we have to our own transactional behavior — and how the actions we take (or don't take) influence the identity we produce with others.

Podcast Bonuses:

Dr. Kyra Gaunt on LinkedIn

Dr. Kyra Gaunt on [Ted.com]

Her Bottom Lines
